Near Dawn, A Twilight Princess Zine


Near Dawn, A Twilight Princess Zine


Interest Check OpenSeptember 25th
Interest Check ClosedOctober 14th
Interest Check ResultsTBD
Mod Apps OpenOctober 16th
Mod Apps ClosedNovember 20th
Mod ResultsNovember 24th
Contributor Apps OpenNovember 30th
Contributor Apps ClosedJanuary 8th
Contributor ResultsJanuary 22nd
Acceptance DeadlineJanuary 29th
Creation Period BeginsFebruary 5th
Check-in 1March 1st
Check-in 2April 1st
Check-in 3May 1st
Final SubmissionsMay 25th
Near Dawn, A Twilight Princess Zine


This is a SFW charity fanzine that celebrates
The Legend of Zelda game:
Twilight Princess.
The contents of this zine include:
The contents of this zine will not include:
AU (i.e. Linked Universe)
Overt or toxic shipping
AI-generated content
Based on the results of our interest check, Musicians and other Alternative Creators will be considered!

Near Dawn, A Twilight Princess Zine


Mouse: Head & Design Mod

Copicdragon: Organization Mod

Jimmy: Social Media Mod & Assistant

Jopapel: Art Mod

Flute: Writing Mod

Astrid: Finance & Shipping Mod

Thank you so much for your interest in Near Dawn!

Near Dawn, A Twilight Princess Zine


What is expected from artists in the contributor application?
Page artist applicants are expected to include the following in their portfolio:
- At least 1 fully-rendered illustration with a background
- 3 or more illustrations that represent the quality that you wish to present in your zine piece
Merch artist applicants are expected the following in their portfolio:
- Samples of merchandise that you wish to design for this zine
Both artist types should include samples that present a strong understanding of anatomy, composition, narrative, lighting, and all basic illustrative skills.
Make sure the links to your samples and portfolio have share settings enabled!
What is expected from writers in the contributor application?
Writing applicants are expected to include the following in their portfolio:
- 3 or more samples that represent the quality that you wish to present in your zine piece
- Word count for samples: 1.5-2K
Make sure the links to your samples and portfolio have share settings enabled!
Will other creator types be included in this zine?
Yes! We have included other creator types in the form. Creator types include cosplayers, musicians, etc. Other creator types will be asked to submit 3 three samples in addition to a portfolio for whichever medium you'd like to apply with.